Amelia Platt has become the third young person in the Yorkshire Synod to win the Lundie Memorial Award.

Amelia, aged 11, is a committed young Christian who plays a full part in the life and mission of her church, St Andrews in Skipton. She is a talented musician and often plays her flute during Sunday worship and also takes part in readings, prayers and drama.

When the COVID pandemic started and churches were instructed to close their doors and cease all ministry happening out of their buildings, the small group of the fellowship at St Andrews began to record short daily reflections which were broadcast on the church facebook page and youtube channel. These reflections were shared to give hope and encouragement, to allow the church to still remain connected to one another and to share the love of God. Rev. Andrew Webb, the minister at St Andrews praised Amelia for her commitment and contribution to this team, ‘Amelia is a really valued member of the team. She was keen to volunteer and is the youngest by many years, but always has something relevant and thought provoking to share. Amelia is able to share her faith with others in a refreshing and contemporary way and her messages are really well received and appreciated.’

As a winner of The Lundie Memorial Award, Amelia will be presented with a certificate, a medal (edible!) and St Andrews will receive a £100 gift which Amelia will decide how to spend on the mission of the church in Skipton.

If you know anyone who you would like to nominate for the Lundie Memorial Award, to recognise and celebrate the good work that children and young people are doing in their churches and communities, please click here.


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