
A whole-church responsibility

Good Practice 6

The latest policy and good practice guidance in safeguarding. Download it above!


Find out more about safeguarding training.

Safeguarding Coordinator?

Read this helpful guide if you’ve been asked to be a safeguarding coordindator.

Useful contacts and helplines


Please find the latest safeguarding newsletter here

Latest safeguarding news and training

Safeguarding Training Dates

you wish to book a place, please let Paula which course and the date you wish to attend (

The zoom invite will be sent by Paula shortly before the course start.

Foundation Training can be accessed at any time here

All information for denomination wide bespoke courses can be found here.

Dates for 2025 have now been added here.


Intermediate Training – via zoom


  1. Monday 16th September @10am
  2. Wednesday 20th November 2024 @1pm


Advanced Training – via zoom, both parts must be completed.


  1. Monday 25th November 2024 @ 1pm
  2. Monday 2nd December 2024 @ 1pm


Refresher Training – via zoom


  1. Thursday 25th July 2024 @ 10am
  2. Tuesday 13th August 2024 @ 1pm
  3. Wednesday 25th September 2024 @ 7pm
  4. Saturday 16th November 2024 @10am

For any issues relating to safeguarding, urgent or otherwise. Please contact Carrie, our Safeguarding Officer, she’d be happy to help!

Carrie Kaunda

Carrie Kaunda

Synod Safeguarding Officer


Email Carrie

Feel Safe Poster

Please print a copy of the poster (found here) to be displayed in your church. Multiple copies can be printed and you may choose to display them in private locations such as the backs of toilet doors.

Safeguarding Coordinators

If you are new to the role please download the guidance Safeguarding Coordinator – United Reformed Church.

Hirers Agreements

The updates to the safeguatrding clauses for the hirers agreements can be found here

CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people. CEOP helps children and young people under the age of 18 who have been forced or manipulated into taking part, or are being pressured to take part, in sexual activity of any kind. This can be both online and offline. The CEOP Safety Centre offers information and advice for children and young people, parents and carers and professionals. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button.

Online bullying or other online concerns should not be reported to CEOP and children and young people should be directed to speak to an adult they trust, and/or referred to Childline, if they would like to speak to someone about how they are feeling.

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