On Sunday 27th November, Mrs Caroline Pathak was commissioned as an Assembly Accredited Lay Preacher at her home church of Longcauseway United, Dewsbury.  Deacon Al Henry was leading the service and Kath Lonsdale commissioned Caroline.

Caroline gives a brief account of her calling:

My calling to share God’s Word is not a dramatic one or sudden occurrence. It has been a gradual journey of faith. Jesus’ miracle of love and grace continued and still continues, to nurture my faith in Him, that my parents first helped me grow into. The love and grace that I experienced in good times and bad, became the inner urge to share His Word of hope with those around and wherever God would take me. I am grateful to God for giving me this privilege of being part of His mission. How could it be possible to keep that love and grace to myself and not share with those around?

The inner urge to preach came through Jesus’ commission in Matthew chapter 28 and reading Isaiah 6:8 – (Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”) often excited me as if it was my own response to God.
Thanks be to God.

The Synod sends every blessing to Caroline in her ministry.

Photo shows: Al Henry, Deacon; Caroline; and Kath Lonsdale, Convener of Ministries Committee

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