Mrs Anne Ward, Secretary and Investments Administrator, at the Synod Office celebrated 40 years of working for the Yorkshire Synod this week! Anne started all the way back on 23rd February 1983 when the Synod Office was in Salem URC in the centre of Leeds and she has seen many Moderators, Clerks, Treasurers and office holders come and go and has seen lots of changes over the years not least in terms of technology. When Anne started, most of the paperwork was done on a large printing machine and typewriter – computers didn’t come in until much later.

When asked how she felt today, Anne said “I can’t quite believe how fast the 40 year milestone has been reached – it only feels like a year or two ago! It is has not felt like a job at all because of the people you meet over the years and the nature of the role.  Naturally, the old equipment has gone to be followed by newer technology – might take another 40 years to fathom it out!”

To thank Anne for her achievement and to celebrate, some of the Synod Team gathered together over lunch for a ‘bit of a do’ where she was presented with a card and theatre vouchers, flowers, a balloon and, of course cake!

Thank you Anne for your amazing service to our Synod and here’s to the next….years!!

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