Rev Sue Pegg has been in touch to celebrate the faith journey of Gracie, a young person aged 17 years, who with her family attends The United Church (Methodist/URC) in Kirkheaton Huddersfield. This is Gracie’s story:

“Having just completed her GCSE’s last year Gracie was looking for some part time work while she studied at college for her A Levels and heard of the One Programme which encourages young people to get involved in Christian Ministry and offers them three hours of paid work weekly over a twelve month period. She was encouraged to apply as she wanted to offer something creative for our church children on Sunday mornings.

It was suggested that Lego Church might be a good way forward. Gracie has always related well to people of all ages, particularly children and is creative, so Lego Church seemed ideal.

She was accepted onto the Programme and attended an induction day. During the year she has been to several residentials for young Christians and made new friends. Throughout the programme Gracie has valued the support of many, and the encouragement she has received has enabled her to grow in confidence and in her Christian faith over the last year.

On Sunday mornings the children meet with members of the church family for worship and then go on to enjoy Lego Church in the Lego Room with Gracie. The Lego Room was decorated by her in bright exciting colours and on a Lego theme.

She reads a Bible Story and then the little ones make a Lego model about it and sometimes do other crafts too. Later the group re-join the main service and share with the church family what they have learned and explain their models. Gracie heads up this feedback time and can now articulate well to a group. The little ones love Lego Church finding it fun and exciting.

As Gracie comes to the end of an exciting year she is beginning to apply for University places and at her first interview she was asked about Lego Church and the One Programme and those interviewing were very interested in what she had been doing and impressed by it. They encouraged her to include it on her CV.

Everyone involved in Gracie’s story are proud of all she has achieved and the little ones, their parents and all at The United Church Kirkheaton have certainly benefitted not just from her skills but from the joy of being part of this stage of Gracie’s faith journey.”

Well done Gracie. We wish you every blessing on your future journey!

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