The church at Flowergate URC Whitby have had a long history of supporting Myriame Ramahandridona (in their words) ‘A one-woman aid agency’ and they would like to share this wonderful story about her and the work she does. This is where it began for them:

On holiday to Madagascar in 1988, Revd Michael and Pauline Mewis met this wonderful lady who was doing remarkable work for people who had little or nothing.  So impressed where they that they made a commitment to her that when they returned home that they would tell the members of their Church at Shipley URC  about the amazing work she was doing and that they would raise some funds to enable her to continue to help those in need in her area.

This they did and when Michael and Pauline later moved to St Andrew’s Church Scarborough, they introduced the members there to Myriame and then following their retirement when they joined Flowergate we too were introduced and felt privileged to assist with her work in helping those in need.

The range of people she helps is staggering, ranging from feeding street children who have nothing; breakfast for old pensioners every month; students receiving support throughout the year; children receiving a little financial help at the beginning of a school year; homework books; breakfast/lunch for 75 children every Saturday after Bible School; Bibles; Christmas and Easter celebration lunch in her kitchen for 150 children.  This list goes on and on and far too many to list.

In May 2015 we had the pleasure of meeting Myriame when she visited us and St Andrew’s Scarborough, to meet and spend time with this remarkable lady was indeed very special.  During her all too brief visit, she addressed our congregations and also a Joint Service at Pickering.

Myriame on her visit to Flowergate URC

Myriame was 70 in 2018 and what Michael and Pauline started now over 30 years ago has meant this remarkable lady has helped and continues to help many thousands of people in need. When she writes to say ‘thank you’ for our support her letters are both inspiring and humbling.

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