Grants and Funding

Equipping churches for mission

Several years ago, Yorkshire Synod established the Synod Mission Fund to help churches with mission projects both large and small. You can download the fund aims and objectives here.

The fund panel meets four times a year. The dealines are fixed each year to occur before each meeting, the deadlines are 31st March, 30th June, 30th September, 31st December.

Here’s just a small taste of what the Synod Mission Fund has supported in the past (click the arrows to cycle through the projects):

St Andrew's, Skipton

As part of their sterling efforts to become a more eco-friendly community, the Eco Team at St Andrew’s (Methodist/URC) in Skipton received funding for these beautiful planters prominently placed on the lawn in front of the church. This is just part of their hard work to become an Eco Church bronze award.

Application forms and instructions

All the application forms and instructions can be found in our resource library here.

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