“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.”
1 Peter 4: 10 (CEV)

In the Yorkshire synod, we believe that young people are both gifts to the Church and have gifts to share with the Church. We believe that God speaks to young people and that God places passions in their hearts and inspires action in their lives. We believe that young people are valued and equal members of the church family and that they are capable of leading and teaching the church in new and exciting ways.

The Wilderness Project has been set up to encourage, recognize and support their valuable contribution to our church life, worship and mission.
This project is for young people (aged 16-25) who are connected to a church in the Yorkshire  Synod to develop something new in the life and mission of their church. It gives young people the opportunity to explore and offer their gifts to the church, and allows churches to benefit from the contribution that young people can bring. The scheme will provide the participants with a part-time salary (1-3 hours per week) for 6 months (extendable for a further 6 months), to enable them to work on a new missional project for their church(es). This could be something that already exists within your church that a  young person would like to develop, such as a Messy  Church, your online and social media presence or an outreach cafe, or it could be a brand new idea! Alongside their project work, participants will meet regularly with supporters from their church,
from the synod, and with other young people who are also on the project in other churches. 

If you are interested in applying, please get in touch with Megan to talk about your ideas before you apply. Email Megan Tillbrook: megancyp@urcyorkshire.org.uk
Find the application pack 2022 Wilderness Application Pack.

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