It is finally here! The Yorkshire synod are going to Lightwater Valley for their BIG Day Out!
On Saturday 17th September this year, Lightwater Valley will open their turnstiles and welcome Yorkshire folk from the United Reformed Churches across the synod. We are so excited to offer this opportunity to you all to invite your family, church family, friends and neighbours to come together for a day of friendship and love.
The family friendly resort has something to offer everyone; relaxing on the lake on a swan boat, watching it all happen as you sit tour the park on a steady train, getting dizzy on the carousel or throwing your arms in the air at the top on the pirate ship, whatever your idea of a good time is, Lightwater Valley has it covered! And if it all gets a bit much, head over to the Show Barn for a comfortable seat, a cup of tea and a friendly face. Of course there will be a time of gathered worship and other surprises on offer as you wander around the park.
The synod recognises that organising a trip to the BIG Day Out can be stressful and costly. Tickets are £15 per person for everyone aged 3 and over. The Mission Fund Panel have agreed to fund up to £500 per coach to help get as many of your church family and friends there. Application pack available here. Please get in touch if you wish to have a conversation about further support that might be available.