Joseph Hartley from Longcauseway Church in Dewsbury has finally received his Lundie Award from the Moderator, Revd Jamie Kissack. Joseph actually won the award in January, but the presentation was delayed by lockdwon restrictions. The Moderator was able to visit Longcauseway in person last month to give Joseph his award.

The Lundie Award is given to children or young people in United Reformed Churches who are contributing to the mission of God in their church or community. Throughout lockdown Joseph has been running the audio-visual equipment in church, providing sound and slides for services and ‘live-streaming’ them for people to watch on the internet. And all this while completing his GCSEs. Joseph received a certificate and chocolate ‘medal’ as well as £100 to spend in any way he wants to benefit the children and young people in his church.

Do you know a child or young person from your church who is joining in God’s mission in some way? They may be helping a church project or doing something else that helps make God’s love known in the world. If you can think of someone why not nominate them for a Lundie Award? Download some more information and then fill in a nomination form and send it to us. We look forward to hearing from you and celebrating more things that children and young people are doing.

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