Caring for Creation

Part of our calling

What is an eco-church?

Eco-church, an A Rocha UK Project begins as a survey of what your church is already doing to care for God’s earth through all areas of the church life. You collect points towards an eco-church award. The more your church does, the more points you get! The awards available are bronze, silver and gold.

In Yorkshire Synod, we’re committed to encouraing all of our churches to register with eco-church, with a view to obtaining awards in the future.

It’s the little things…A globe with hands round them

Back in August 2018, a 15-year-old girl began striking from school to protest at the climate emergency that our world is facing. Within a year, millions were doing the same to raise awareness of the crisis our world is in. Greta Thunberg is just one example of many, showing that small, seemingly insignificant, individual actions, can have a big impact.

We all have a part to play in caring for God’s creation, countless passages in the Bible would suggest so: Jeremiah 2:7, Matthew 6:26, Genesis 1, Philippians 2:4 to name but a few.

The United Reformed Church has taken several measures in the past few years to play its part, but the work cannot stop.

In Yorkshire Synod, we believe this is part of our mission, engrained in our DNA as Christians. So there are several things we do and support to help in this mission, hopefully this page will give you a flavour of that!

Have a look at our Environmental Policy here.

What’s happening?

Synod Climate Discussions

Climate justice and environment issues are high on the priority list for many within the synod. Lots of discussions have taken place recently. Most notably at the synod open house. Alex, our former Synod Green Apostle facilitated talks about what’s on the agenda of climate activists, as well as pointing us towards things we can each do as individuals and as a church to help. You can download her presentation here.

Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT)

JPIT is a cross-denominational body commmitted to justice and peace in the world. They work in many different areas including climate justice. The belief is that as four denominations come together, far more can be achieved (and this is true!). You can find out more about JPIT here.

Green Christian

Find out more about Green Christian here. They’re an organisation working to care for creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.


Yorkshire’s Green Apostle Team

The Green Apostle Team is here to help with all-things green! Whether your church is interested in becoming an eco-church, want to get involved in tackling climate change, writing to your MP, they can help!

Contact the Green Apostles

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