
Caring for our buildings

The church is the people, not the building

We believe in, and try to live out, this statement. We love our buildings dearly, but we love our people more. Which is why we have people and policies in place to help care for our buildings to keep people safe.

Information for Churches is available from a wide range of resources many of which are available in our Resources Library, in particular the Guidance Note on Property Matters for Elders which includes a number of links to information on various topics.  Your friendly Synod Property Officer is also happy to help when she can or to point you to others when appropriate.

For any issues enquiries relating to renting or leasing the church (or part of it), speak to Alastair. He sure knows his stuff!



Property Officer



Trust Secretary

Guidance and Application forms

Our Resources Library is your one stop shop for all the guidance and application forms you could possibly need!

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