We look forward to welcoming you to the BIG Day Out at Lightwater Valley on Saturday 17th September.

If you are still to book, what are you waiting for? Put up the posters and begin inviting people for what we can promise you will be a day of community and communion, of seeing old friends and making new ones, of meaningful conversation and connection, of laughter, of fun, and of love.

The BIG Day Out is not just for children or for families with children and it may seem strange to buy a ticket for a ‘family theme park’ with no children to take. Each of us belongs to our church families, to our synod family and to Gods’ family and we find fellowship together. So we want to see older persons on the swan boats, knit and natter classes swapping knitting needles for miniature golf clubs, elders riding the carousel (or log flume!), teenagers bouncing in the tree top trampolines and mum’s and dad’s chasing their children around the soft play! Remember, we are all God’s children ☺

Tickets are just £15 and the synod is funding up to £500 per coach/minibus! It’s sure to be an amazing day out!

Tickets can be booked through the synod office: office@urcyorkshire.org.uk

Find out a bit more here: https://youtu.be/Ec4zHtt0BW0

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