by moderatorpa | Wed 15th Mar 2023 | Latest News
Saturday 3rd June 2023 – 10am-12.30pm Ravensthorpe with Hopton URC, Dewsbury Increasingly Elders are being asked to conduct funerals and requests have been made to repeat the session that ran a little while ago to help in that task. The session will be led by...
by moderatorpa | Wed 15th Mar 2023
Increasingly Elders are being asked to conduct funerals and requests have been made to repeat the session that ran a little while ago to help in that task. The session will be led by Rev Jason McCullagh and Mrs Val Morrison and will be informal, sharing experiences...
by Synod Clerk | Tue 4th Oct 2022
Please see the attached leaflet for details on how to gain vital information on your specific Safeguarding role within the URC. This training is in addition to the Foundation and Intermediate courses already being run. Safeguarding for Elders as Trustees 2023...
by Synod Clerk | Tue 4th Oct 2022
Please see the attached leaflet for details on how to gain vital information on your specific Safeguarding role within the URC. This training is in addition to the Foundation and Intermediate courses already being run. Safeguarding for Elders as Trustees 2023...
by moderatorpa | Tue 26th Oct 2021 | Good News Stories, Latest News
Elders from around the Yorkshire Synod were at last able to gather in person at Wydale Hall from 30th September to 1st October. Synod Moderator, Jamie Kissack, reflects on the event – “We spent time reflecting on the Psalms, and considered how their poetry...