by moderatorpa | Tue 11th Jul 2023 | Good News Stories, Latest News
Rev Sue Pegg has been in touch to celebrate the faith journey of Gracie, a young person aged 17 years, who with her family attends The United Church (Methodist/URC) in Kirkheaton Huddersfield. This is Gracie’s story: “Having just completed her GCSE’s last...
by moderatorpa | Mon 25th Apr 2022 | Good News Stories, Latest News
Bilton Grange URC, will be hosting a Walk Through the Bible – Old Testament. Rev Alan Crump, the church’s minister, says this a memorable and fun way to hear and engage with the Old Testament as it can often be difficult to understand and navigate around....
by moderatorpa | Thu 1st Apr 2021 | Christian Comment
“So, go eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink your wine with a merry heart…..” Ecclesiastes 9: 7a Many of us will no doubt have spent time during Lent preparing our hearts and minds with others or on our own in our journey towards Holy Week and Eastertide. I too...