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Join us for a monthly conversation exploring what mission is all about.

With all the focus on ‘mission’ in the synod it can be easy to assume that we all know what it is, or that we are all thinking about the same thing.

Starting next week (Tues 25th Jan, 7.30-8.30pm) we will be gathering (online) to think a little bit about what mission is, and what our part might be in God’s mission.

This is for those with a passion, those with questions, those who are curious and those who don’t think it’s for them! We will spend an hour together, talking, thinking and praying about mission. And over the coming months we will discover more of where God might be leading us, as individuals, churches, and as a synod.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it next week, get in touch for the zoom details and pass them on, and then come along next time. Contact Jon Steel to join in.


What is mission? What is our church’s mission? What can I do?