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World Day of Prayer

This year’s World Day of Prayer (WDP) has a theme of ‘I have heard about your faith’ and the programme has been written by WDP Taiwan.

World Day of Prayer is an international ecumenical organisation promoting prayerful living and worship for men, women and young people, and helping raise awareness of the lives and concerns of others throughout the world, especially those who write the service.

At the time of writing several of the Synod’s churches are participating either singly or ecumenically in the day and if you follow this links World Day of Prayer EWNI website or Services – World Day Of Prayer ( you can find the church nearest to you.

Resources are available to download including a Bible reflection, music sheet, prayer diary, youth programme, resources for leaders of children’s groups and a children’s activity sheet.

For those in Leeds the service at St George’s, Gt George St, Leeds LS1 (near Leeds General Infirmary). This service led by the Lighthouse Community will be held in the presence of the Lord Mayor at 1 pm. All are welcome.