On Saturday 7th May 2022, a Service of Inauguration of Leeds Partnership and Induction led by the Yorkshire Synod Moderator, Revd Jamie Kissack took place.  The service represented a real coming together of the 8 churches in the Partnership, with input from each.

Sheana Dudley, Synod Pastoral Elder, shared the news with a bit of background information:

“Mission and Care groups were formed in Yorkshire in 2007 when Districts ceased to exist. In 2017 Revd Clare Davison was appointed as 50%  Mission and Ministry Enabler. Several factors gradually led to the formation of the Leeds URC Partnership served by a Ministry Team. The ministry team will be accountable to the collective churches of the Leeds URC Partnership through a steering group, which includes one lay person from each of the member churches.

The vision and opportunity of the Leeds URC Partnership is to enable each member church to fulfill God’s vision and mission within its own local community, enabled by the ministry team.

4 Mission and Care Group churches, (3 LEPs and one URC), did not choose to join.  They are welcome to do so at a later stage should they so wish and, as members of the Leeds Mission and Care Group, they will continue to be invited to take part in all shared events.

We now look forward to the Induction and Ordination of Nicola Robinson which will take place on 3rd September at Christ Church Halton.”

The service was livestreamed by our synod IT Team including Media for Ministry, You can watch the service back on YouTube here!

Photograph above – the current ministry team, Mr Alex Walker, Revd Tim Lowe, Revd Angela Hughes and Revd Geoff Ellis. Revd Clare Davison was unable to be present as she was recovering from an operation at home.

Cover photograph – the representatives from each of the churches in the Partnership holding a canvas from their church of members’ handprints. 



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