Kath Lonsdale, Church Secretary at Westfield URC in Wyke, tells how the church along with local schools and businesses came together to support Foodbank users with a wonderful array of Christmas hamper treats, new toys and teenage gifts:

“From 11 -16th December, 68 hampers were packed at Westfield URC, Wyke to distribute to clients who had used the Wyke foodbank in the last few months.  Clients were also invited to come along at designated times to choose some Christmas presents for any children and young people in their families. They could choose a main present and two stocking fillers for each child or young person.

Volunteers from Westfield, other churches in Wyke and the firm of Nufarm (who are based in the village and have been supporting the foodbank through the year) helped pack, register and chat to those who visited. Some also went out to deliver in twos and to pass on our prayers and good wishes for Christmas on the doorstep.  A joint Christmas card from all the Wyke church fellowships and also children’s and adult’s Christmas story booklets were also given out.

Despite the Covid restrictions, which meant signing in, wearing masks and a one-way system, many of the clients expressed their gratitude for this extra initiative besides the ordinary foodbank parcels which happen every Tuesday and Friday from the foodbank premises.”

All in all, a fantastic community effort – well done!

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