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Over the last few years, the Bridge Church (URC) in Otley has hosted a ‘Teas on the Lawn’ on the day of the town’s Carnival, and this year was no exception. On Saturday 17 June between 11am and 4pm, hundreds of cups of tea and coffee, sandwiches and cakes were served to visitors and local residents as they came for a glimpse of the passing Carnival Parade as the Bridge Church is on the route.

John Eveleigh, Church Secretary, continues, “All of the money raised – £995.71 (breaking all previous records) will be given away by the church – the majority to the Bridge Church’s Charity for the year (this year’s charity is Christian Aid) with £200 going to the local Carnival Committee in recognition of the excellent work that they do, all year round, in planning for the event that brings the local community together.  There is a massive Bridge Church team effort to stage Teas on the Lawn, but all the hard work more than pays off, not only for the incredible sum of money raised, but for the many quality conversations that we have with all the people who gather on our church lawn!’

“The picture shows some of the catering team preparing for the rush of customers – tea was served in the huge marquee that the church bought with some of the money that Synod returned to local churches a couple of years ago, to support mission initiatives.”

Well done to all involved!