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Christ Church, Hipperholme – a Methodist/United Reformed Church LEP – has just completed a second successful Alpha Course. On this most recent 10-week course, they were helped by a wonderful group of volunteers – out-front and in the kitchen, with speakers Revd Colin Sherwood and Pamela Hales contributing to the discussions. Although they used outside caterers (Village Pantry – Emma always looks after us and her Lasagne was the biggest hit!) the preparation by the volunteers was as much part of the course as the course itself.

It was financed predominately by donations from the guests and the Synod Mission Fund grant, for which they are extremely grateful.

It was an excellent and well attended course (10 attendees) exploring life’s big questions and the Christian Faith, over a warm meal and with great conversations, where everyone forged new friendships and felt the movement of Spirit at work in them.

This year the attendees were asked for feedback and how they described themselves before and after Alpha.  Joyfully, two people moved completely from ‘Searching’ to ‘Christian’. Praise the Lord!

They took on suggested improvements in the hope that the course runs again next January (we have already been contacted by someone who has seen the banner from on the bus!) and we are encouraged by some great feedback:

  • “I have found answers to my questions.”
  • “Being able to share, in a safe place, non-judgemental and loving has been so precious and have loved meeting other Christian’s with different experiences. Thank you! I feel more able and equipped to love people in Jesus’ name.”

A massive thank you has gone out from Christ Church to everyone involved.  You were all amazing!