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Copyright…. everyone’s favourite word! It can feel like a minefield at times, and some areas may appear a little bit grey! (Grey in both senses – boring and confusing!!)

Yorkshire Synod recognises that finding out all the information you need about copyright can be difficult, different songs, different versions, different ways of playing it, livestreaming etc. there can be so much to think about!

This session will aim to dispel some myths about copyright, answer the most frequently asked questions, and indeed, answer some of your questions! We will also point out some useful resources and places where you don’t have to worry about copyright!

This session, run by Dan Morrell, our resident media consultant, will be informative and useful for anyone involved in church life, particularly around worship. Ministers, lay preachers, elders, members, treasurers, anyone really! Come and learn the fundamentals and you’ll be in a very positive position after!

The session is free to attend, taking place from 2-4pm on 30th June.

Sign up here!