The Yorkshire Synod has been pioneering a project with 18-25s for the past couple of years, having called a minister, the Revd. Samantha Sheehan, to this project, alongside a role at the University Chaplaincy in Leeds.

Samantha would love to remind synod that the offer of chats, preaching and more, is still here! Don’t know where to begin? Now you do! Find out a little bit more about Samantha here:

Friends, you might remember me, but let me reintroduce myself. I’m Samantha Sheehan and I am a Special Category Minister tasked with exploring how congregations can engage with 18-25 year olds and Young Adults. I live in Leeds and spend part of my time with the Ecumenical Chaplaincy team serving four of the Universities in Leeds. I also work with Megan in supporting the Young Adults (18-25ish year olds) in Synod (know of any, we would love to meet them at our monthly coffee meet up’s) and the rest of my time is spent exploring how as church we can minister to and engage with young adults and hopefully talk with you lovely people sharing stories and working together to see what all this might mean for you!

Back in Oct 2020, I offered a presentation at Synod Together, as an introduction to the project and to start the conversation.

Well friends, the good news is I am still here, still happy to share in that conversation, to come and meet you where you are, listen to your stories, and help to explore how you might be able to reach out and engage with young adults in your area.

A good place to start, to help take stock, is to have a look at the 20-40 Task Group Report (pg 22-32) which was presented at General Assembly in 2018. There are a number of questions in the appendix to help.

You can get in touch with me at or phone 07484 791 049, always leave a message and I will get back to you.

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