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Welcome to Rev Dr Rich Kirchherr
Ministerial Exchange in the Wharfe Valley The Bridge Church, Otley and Salem URC in Burley-in Wharfedale have welcomed Rev Dr Rich Kirchherr from the First Congregational Church in Western Springs (part of the United Church of Christ in the USA), near Chicago to their...
‘Kirkheaton on Sea’ Summer Special
The United Church Kirkheaton are having their 'Kirkheaton on Sea' event again this year. Thursday 10th August 11am-2pm It's free, no need to book - just bring a picnic and if you're a child, you'll need to bring an adult. Come and join in the fun!
NHS 75: Much to celebrate?
Yorkshire Synod's, Revd Fran Kissack, a United Reformed Church minister and NHS hospital chaplain of more than 20 years, reflects on the NHS’ 75th anniversary, celebrated on 5 July. In a short video, Fran reflects on what its founder, Nye Bevin, might feel about the...
News Briefing No. 112 – 20th July 2023
Find out what's happening here in Yorkshire and beyond in this latest edition of our Synod news briefing. Word document pdf document Cover photo from Pixabay
A new Local Ecumenical Partnership in Skipton
On Sunday 16th July after a special Skipton & Grassington Methodist Circuit Service at Cracoe Village Hall in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, the Methodist Church congregation at Trinity Church on Westmorland Street in Skipton joined the existing Local Ecumenical...
Skipton Pride
St Andrew’s and Trinity Churches in Skipton joined in with this year's Skipton Pride. Rev Andrew Webb, Methodist Minister at St Andrew's, Skipton, tells of the event: "The churches had a community stall where we gave out buns and offered craft and conversation with...
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