0a91d80cf1 Locally Recognised Children's and Youth Leader launches! - URC Yorkshire Synod

Applications are now open for Yorkshire Synod’s pioneering ‘Locally Recognised Children’s and Youth Leaders’ (LRCYLs)

The scheme, developed in collaboration between the Children’s and Youtth, and Ministries Committees. Recognises both paid and voluntary workers amongst children and young people across the synod. This values and appreciates these amazing disciples and nurtures them as they nurture others.

Speaking with optimism for the future, Convener of the Children and Youth Committee, Dan Morrell said “I’m so excited to see this recognition process come to fruition. Yorkshire Synod has long-valued those who work, in various capacities, with and for children and young people. This is our time to give them the recognition they deserve. The scheme also helps those applying journey forwards in their own development, as they continue to serve God’s Church in this way”.

There are several steps to the recognition, all of which the synod believes are fundamental to being a LRCYL:

-Being a member of a local United Reformed Church;
-Receiving a recommendation from a local church meeting;
-A satisfactory DBS check and completion of Synod Safeguarding Training (Intermediate)
-An informal discussion with the Synod Safeguarding Officer to ensure you understand the role and responsibilities of working with children and young people.

Following these steps, an application form can then be completed! There are several more items along the way which the synod will journey alongside the candidate.

Want to explore becoming a LRCYL? Get in touch today! Alan Kendall is the contact whilst Megan is on maternity leave! You can email Alan here.

You can download the paperwork associated with the scheme below:

Marks of Ministry LRCYL

Yorkshire Synod Locally Recognised Children’s and Youth Leaders Policy 2022

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