Visitors flocked to Northowram village just outside Halifax for their annual four day Scarecrow Festival which started on Saturday 30 April and concluded Monday 2 May.

Chris Wood, recently appointed Synod Companion at Heywood URC, reports on the event…
Churches, businesses and local residents joined in the fun by displaying various straw-filled creations throughout the village and encouraged children to complete a quiz, by finding clues near to scarecrows. This encouraged families to walk around the whole village which they did in vast numbers.

Heywood United Reformed Church contributed by having a scarecrow of Rev Oliver Heywood, the founder of the church fellowship 350 years ago, placed on the entrance gate to the Chapel. Their community hall was also open to visitors with refreshments provided, as well as stalls ranging from resources for children; home-made produce; ice cream and cakes. The small church fellowship were supported by other volunteers from the village.

Marilyn Burton, their Church Secretary said after the event: ‘We’re all shattered and will take a few days to recover, but it has been worthwhile as the hall was packed with visitors throughout the weekend. The Chapel is slightly tucked away down a side street, and so it has proved beneficial to both villagers and visitors to demonstrate just where we are located. The event has encouraged us in our preparations to celebrate our 350th Anniversary on the weekend of 25th – 26th June when the Chapel and hall will host various events including the sale of a newly produced book on the life of Oliver Heywood written especially for this Anniversary.

(photos taken by Rev Chris Wood)

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