Financial Resources Committee

Using our God-given resources for our God-given world.

Aims and Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for Synod finances.
  • Prepares and implements the budget.
  • Formulates and carries out the investment policy via the Investments Sub-Committee.
  • Has responsibility for the calculation and collection of churches’ contributions to the M&M Fund, oversees the scheme and encourages the advocacy of financial giving.
  • Acts on behalf of Synod in making decisions on financial aspects of church projects.
  • Offers assistance to churches on financial planning and accounting.

Financial Resources Committee Membership

Convener – Rev Simon Copley

Member – Mr Justin Charlesworth

Member – Dr Chris Evans

Member – Mr Stephen Gooder

Committee Facilitator – Finance Manager

The Synod Moderator and Synod Clerk are also members of all Committees

Next committee meeting…

Synod Council



Children and Youth


Financial Resources

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