All members and friends of the Yorkshire Synod churches are invited to join us in faith-shaped conversation about the life and mission of the local church. They are being held on:

Saturday 11th May
At St. Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Scarborough, YO11 2LN

Saturday 1st June
At Gleadless United Reformed Church, Sheffield, S12 2NP

Saturday 8th June
At Salem United Reformed Church, Burley in Wharfedale, LS29 7DG

Saturday 6th July 
At Christ Church LEP, Hipperholme, HX3 8AA

See flier

Building on the success of last year’s Synod Forums as opportunities for fellowship and good conversation, we will be meeting again in four different locations around Yorkshire Synod in May, June and July.  You are free to choose the date and venue that is best for you.  All will run from 10.30am – 1pm.  You are encouraged to stay to share a bring-your-own lunch.

As last year, the conversation will be based around Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.  It will be mostly in small group discussions, so you get chance to share with people from other churches.  We will picking up on some of the themes in the URC’s Theos report (, and will be asking Where do we see flourishing in Yorkshire Synod? (And what might be the barriers to flourishing?)

We hope that this will also be a chance for those with Synod roles to hear from the local church about your opportunities and challenges so that together we can find the best ways to support and encourage each other.  The Synod Forum is your place to have your voice heard, and to help shape the priorities of the Synod.


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