Young Adults Sabbath Gathering

Young Adults Sabbath Gathering

This is an opportunity to gather with other young adults to read the Bible and pray together. Rev. Jason McCullagh will lead our thoughts and reflections and we will share lunch together also. We are currently searching for an appropriate venue. For more information...
FORUM for Youth went Paddle Boarding

FORUM for Youth went Paddle Boarding

Just before the school term finished a group of young people met together. We only had 4 short hours together, but in those 4 hours we played, we prayed and we shared with one another. On Saturday 16 July, young people from Bradford, Rotherham and Sheffield met at...
Youth Residential for Young People

Youth Residential for Young People

This event is the synod’s annual youth residential for young people aged 11 – 16 years and this year we will be gathering at Peak Venture (a Kingswood centre in Sheffield) from Friday 30 September – Sunday 2nd October. At Peak Venture we will be...
Pray for something new

Pray for something new

Joshua Slocum (b.1844), was an American sailing/trading boat captain, who, after many amazing experiences, sailed solo round the world in 1895. He was age 51 when he started, in a self-restored (and destined to be scrapped) boat called ‘Spray’ – trip took 3 years. He...
Hands together, eyes closed!

Hands together, eyes closed!

“So, go eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink your wine with a merry heart…..” Ecclesiastes 9: 7a Many of us will no doubt have spent time during Lent preparing our hearts and minds with others or on our own in our journey towards Holy Week and Eastertide.  I too...
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