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The Synod Youth Representative (SYR) is a key role in the life of the synod and it’s ministry with children and young people. It is an exciting and rewarding post that with commitment and energy has the potential to make a huge difference.

First and foremost the youth representative has the responsibility to hear the voices of the children and young people. Through attendance at relevant synod events (such as the Youth Residential, Youth FORUM and the BIG Day Out) and talking and listening to others, the SYR will share the ideas, opinions and needs of children and young people to encourage inclusiveness and participation for all.

A significant part of the SYR role is to join the URC Youth Executive. The URC Youth Executive is made up of young people from across the UK who have been elected to serve URC Youth by their synods and their peers. The primary role of the Youth Executive is to plan and facilitate Youth Assembly each year. The Youth Executive meet four times each year, usually over a weekend. Each SYR is expected to report to the Youth Executive the work that is happening locally.

Similarly, the SYR will be responsible for reporting back to the Yorkshire synod the work of the Youth Executive, through the Children and Youth Committee, of which the SYR will become a member of. The SYR will work closely with the Children & Youth Development Practitioner (Megan Tillbrook) and will receive support more widely from the Children and Youth Committee.

Terms and conditions apply. The SYR must be aged 16 – 25 for the duration of the post. The terms of office will be January 2023 – January 2025. Finally, the  SYR is a synod appointed role and a process exists for all applicants to follow. All expenses incurred within the role will be reimbursed through the synod.

You are able to nominate yourself or to nominate another person.
Applications close on Monday 31 October, 12noon.

To nominate yourself: Self-Nomination Form for Synod Youth Rep

To nominate someone else: Nomination Form for Synod Youth Representative

For more information please contact Megan Tillbrook: / 07522 220213