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Between 4th and 10th December Westfield URC Wyke, hosted a special week when parents referred to the Wyke foodbank were given appointments to choose 2 main presents and 3 stocking fillers per child. 168 children benefitted from this offer. A warm space, warm drinks, people to talk with and the opportunity for prayer were available all week. The Wyke churches and local businesses provided the toys and contributions to the hampers and volunteers helped to prepare and deliver 100 hampers to those who have needed to use the foodbank in the last few months. Many of the parents commented on coming into the old school how good it was to come into rooms with the heating on and we feel it helped people stay longer and feel listened to and not rushed as they were choosing Christmas presents for their children. The volunteers coming on different days and on the Friday to prepare the hampers also appreciated being in a warm environment.

There were many grateful and heartfelt comments through the week. One example was a mum who left saying “now I can face getting the tree out of the loft because I have something to wrap and put under the tree”.