Friends from across Yorkshire Synod and beyond gathered at Christ Church Halton and online to celebrate the Ordination and Induction of Dr Nicola Anne Robinson.

The service, led by the Revd. Jamie Kissack, Moderator of Yorkshire Synod, took place on Saturday 3rd September and over 100 attended in-person, with hundreds more online. The service saw Nicola ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacraments, and Inducted into the Leeds Partnership, serving alongside Revds. Geoff Ellis, Angela Hughes, Tim Lowe and Mr Alex Walker (Elder in Local Leadership).

Nicola is familiar to many of us in Yorkshire Synod already, having spent the past 2 years on placement with the Sheffield Team Ministry, serving URCs and LEPs across Sheffield.

Dr Robinson, originally from Edinburgh (her sending church was Augustine United Church) trained at Northern College, one of the URC’s Resource Centres for Learning. It was fitting that The Revd. Dr Adam Scott, Nicola’s Tutor and incoming principal of the college, preached an inspiring sermon around the passage of the Canaanite woman, and how we should associate with those who often sit on the fringes of our churches and societies. Dr Scott warned the Leeds Partnership to “buckle up”, saying that the person he knows Nicola to be, will challenge people, and that “you may be getting a prophet, as well as a minister”.

Also at the service were several ecumenical guests bringing greetings, the Revd. Tanya Short, Co-Superindentent of the Leeds (North & East) Methodist Circuit, and the Revd. Helen White, Methodist Presbyter with responsibility for Christ Church Halton.

The service was livestreamed by Media for Ministry, and is still available to view here.

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