The Yorkshire Synod Forum for Youth is back this year! With not 1 or 2, but 3 dates in the diary, we are inviting you to join us on this adventure to bring change to our synod and our churches.
We want to listen to what young people have to say.
We want to learn about what life is like for young people.
We want to know how your faith impacts your daily life.
We want to help to create churches where young people are included, valued and feel safe.
You are invited to join us on the journey to make a difference in your local church and in the life of other churches across Yorkshire. You will get to know other like-minded young people, to hear and share your own faith experiences and work on ideas together about how to make churches more welcoming to children and young people. Your voice is important. Please come and talk to us.
On Saturday 29 March, we will also be joined by a local pottery artist and will get the opportunity to try clay modelling and painting. For more information contact Megan Tillbrook
Use the QR code below or the following link to book your place: