Wilderness Young Adults, Yorkshire Synod’s own provision for those aged 18-30(ish!), will be hosting several coffee meet-ups in cities around the synod!

They do what it says on the tin, just some young adults, hanging out over a coffee (other drinks are available!). They meet in a good quality coffee shop, and there’s a free coffee in it for anyone who comes! Hosted by Sam Sheehan, Minister to the 18-25s project and Leeds Universities Chaplaincy, these are a really great opportunity to meet like-minded young adults, hang out, and chat about anything and everything!

The upcoming dates, from 10:30am unless otherwise stated, are:

25th February – Sheffield
11th March – Holme URC (taking place at the Synod Meeting, arrive from 10am and stay for as long as you want – lunch included!)
22nd April – Leeds
20th May – York
15th July – Huddersfield

Venues will be confirmed nearer the time, but if you’d like to know more, email wilderness@urcyorkshire.org.uk to ask to join our WhatsApp group, or join the Facebook group ‘Wilderness Young Adults’.

“But no June?” – we hear you exclaim! That’s because from 9th-11th June we will be having a Young Adults Retreat in the Peak District! Save the date, more details to follow!

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