The first of this year’s Synod Forums took place on Saturday 11th May at St St Andrew’s URC, Scarborough.
Around 25 people attended representing 6 churches and reported as a good event.
The theme is based around Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians with small group discussions enabling conversations with people from other churches.

Rev Jamie Kissack, Synod Moderator said this about the day:
“After a bible study based around 1 Corinthians 8, looking at how Paul navigates a trick issue in the life of the very early church, we spent time talking about, what, in our churches takes most time; what brings most joy; and what brings the biggest challenge?  Everyone found it really helpful to share stories from our different contexts. We finished by asking, ‘What does the Synod need to hear?’ (Remembering that we are all ’Synod’!). We heard some really useful feedback which will help us plan for the future. There was a strong spirit of mutual love and support.”

All are welcome and the next forums will take place on:

Saturday 1st June 2024 – At Gleadless United Reformed Church, Sheffield, S12 2NP
Saturday 8th June 2024 – At Salem United Reformed Church, Burley in Wharfedale, LS29 7DG
Saturday 6th July 2024 – At Christ Church LEP, Hipperholme, HX3 8AA


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