by Dan Morrell | Wed 1st Feb 2023 | Children and Youth, Latest News
Wilderness Young Adults, Yorkshire Synod’s own provision for those aged 18-30(ish!), will be hosting several coffee meet-ups in cities around the synod! They do what it says on the tin, just some young adults, hanging out over a coffee (other drinks are...
by Dan Morrell | Fri 6th Jan 2023 | Children and Youth, Latest News
Applications are now open for Yorkshire Synod’s pioneering ‘Locally Recognised Children’s and Youth Leaders’ (LRCYLs) The scheme, developed in collaboration between the Children’s and Youtth, and Ministries Committees. Recognises both...
by Synod Clerk | Wed 4th Jan 2023 | Children and Youth, Good News Stories, Latest News, Mission Blogs, Uncategorized
As the year came to a close, the THRIVE partnership in Stainbeck, Leeds had much to celebrate about where they have got to and are also looking forward to where 2023 will take them! They have had a focused season of fund-raising, which has met with such success that...
by megancyp | Thu 17th Nov 2022 | Children and Youth, Latest News
Our holiday club was 3 mornings and was called ‘High Five Heroes’, with a superhero theme. The truth we explored at High Five Heroes is that Jesus is a hero because he welcomes everyone, no matter who they were. We can be heroes too by doing the same...
by megancyp | Mon 31st Oct 2022 | Children and Youth, Latest News
In the summer the General Assembly of the URC passed a resolution to ‘reaffirm its commitment to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health’ which was brought by URC Youth. The resolution continued to request that General Assembly and Synods encourage...
by megancyp | Mon 31st Oct 2022 | Children and Youth, Latest News
The Autumn half term is a busy time for anyone who works with children and young people in our Yorkshire churches. We have had our BIG Day Out, followed by our Youth Residential and then we met for Youth Forum. Now the half term is over and there are only a few weeks...