What are we here for?

What are we here for?

  ‘What is our church here for?’ I wonder if you’ve ever asked this question in your church? It’s an important question to ask ourselves (as congregations, but also as a synod, and even as individual Christians). Our answer to this question should be shaping what...
What is mission?

What is mission?

Every month we’ll be hearing from different people in the synod about what mission means to them. To start us off, who better than our Synod Evangelist, Mission Enabler, and LYCIG leader, Revd Ashley Evans.   The whole work of the body of Christ –...
So what’s the plan?

So what’s the plan?

At a time of turmoil and change it can be reassuring to look for stability, and hold on to what we know. When faced with big challenges, we can often seek answers that will solve our problems quickly and easily. As we journey through this Jubilee year however, there...
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