
Overview of Luke for Worship Leaders – Morning


Lawrence Heath Moore leads a series of sessions on the gospel of Luke (the upcoming 'Year' in the revised common lectionary). The sessions will be interactive, informal, and set you up well for a year of preaching on Luke! Whether you're a seasoned preacher, minister, lay preacher, elder, Bible study leader or something else, this will be a perfect fit for you! The morning/evening sessions happening on each day are the same. So feel free to attend either session. To sign up, email the Synod Office.


Leeds Mission & Care Group Jubilee Celebrations

Stainbeck URC Stainbeck Road, Leeds

Come and join the celebration with the Leeds Mission and Care Group The Leeds Partnership of United Reformed Churches are organising an evening of worship, fellowship and cake to celebrate 50 years of the United Reformed Church. Wednesday 5 October 2022, 7:00 for 7:30pm start at Stainbeck URC, in person and on Zoom: All are welcome

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