Young Adults Weekend Retreat

The Peak Centre Edale, Hope Valley, United Kingdom

We are so excited to be able to invite you to our retreat weekend for young adults! If you are aged 17 - 25 years then you are invited to join us at The Peak Centre in Edale for a time of  being together and being with God. We know how important it is to take time out for ourselves; to get away from our day to day responsibilities and pressures to renew our bodies and our hearts, and to return home feeling energised and rested. There will be opportunities over the weekend to engage in Bible study, prayer, discussions and other activities however this really is a weekend for YOU to rest in the presence of God and to retreat in the way that works for you. More details in due course. Please contact Megan Tillbrook on 07522 220213 for more information or to book please complete the following form.


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