Joined Up Conference 2022

STC Sheffield Nairn Street, Sheffield

The Joined Up conference is officially 'back' for 2022.! Last year we met but it was from behind our computer screens in our own homes so we are really looking forward to gathering the Joined Up family together again next year. Planned, organised and delivered in partnership with our friends at Diocese of Sheffield, Sheffield Methodist Circuit, Christian & Sheffield Schools, and the Methodist Church Yorkshire Plus Region of the Learning Network, the Joined Up Conference is an exciting and engaging day for anyone who ministers with children, young people and families in churches and schools. Whether you are an employed worker, willing volunteer, minister or vicar, or simply someone who is interested in finding out more there will be something on offer for you to take away and use in your own ministry! We will see the return of our keynotes, workshops and famous short stories. The workshops this year include input from Jon Steel (Children and Youth Development Practitioner for the Yorkshire Synod) on how we can use the Bible as a transformational tool in our ministry, and Lorraine Webb (URC Children's & Youth Work Program Officer) on understanding the senses for those with additional needs. We are […]


FORUM for Youth Returns in 2022

Xscape Yorkshire Colorado Way, Castleford, United Kingdom

Young people are the future of the Church (or are they already the Church?) Not disciples-in-training but disciples-in-waiting (or perhaps the other way around? I can never remember)! There are a large number of cliches, like the ones above, about children and young people and the Church. Some we can read and they simply make us smirk or roll our eyes, but others can ignite a more emotive response; a more passionate response. We want to welcome children and young people into all aspects of the life and business and the Yorkshire Synod of the URC. Because we know that young people and children are the most dynamic, richest and most beautiful part of the Church. We are passionate. If you are too, join us on Saturday 19 March at Xscape Yorkshire, Castleford (easily accessible by car and train). Lunch and refreshments are provided. After lunch we will take part in some adventure activities (most likely trampolining and rock climbing). To book please confirm with Megan Tillbrook by texting or ringing 07522 220213 or emailing

Youth Residential for Young People

Peak Venture Huddersfield Road, Sheffield, United Kingdom

This event is the synod's annual youth residential for young people aged 11 - 16 years and this year we will be gathering at Peak Venture (a Kingswood centre in Sheffield) from Friday 30 September - Sunday 2nd October. At Peak Venture we will be pushing our limits and having a go at some exciting outdoor activities, filling our bellies full of delicious food (and tuck) and we will even be doing some evening activities. Alongside this there will be opportunities to get to know young people from across the synod, build friendships, pray and share together. For more information please contact Megan Tillbrook 07522 220213 / To book complete the following form:    


The Yorkshire Synod Youth Residential

Peak Venture Huddersfield Road, Sheffield, United Kingdom

This event is the synod’s annual youth residential for young people aged 11 – 16 years and this year we will be gathering at Peak Venture (a Kingswood centre in Sheffield) from Friday 30 September – Sunday 2nd October. At Peak Venture we will be pushing our limits and having a go at some exciting outdoor activities, filling our bellies full of delicious food (and tuck) and we will even be doing some evening activities. Alongside this there will be opportunities to get to know young people from across the synod, build friendships, pray and share together. For more information please contact Megan Tillbrook 07522 220213 / To book complete the following form:



Xscape Yorkshire Colorado Way, Castleford, United Kingdom

The Youth FORUM continues on it's journey to become a safe and open space where young people can gather from across the Yorkshire Synod to be together and to talk with each other about their faith. This time we will spend some time thinking about our well-being and the role that the church and it's leaders have in nurturing positive mental health for children and young people. It is set to be an exciting and meaningful day together. We will share lunch (provided by the synod) and then head over to the trampoline park for an hour of fun before the day finishes. Everyone who feels they are able to engage in the day appropriately are welcome. To book please complete this form. For more information please contact Megan Tillbrook: 07522 220213 / To read about what has happened at previous Youth FORUM gatherings click here and here.


Crafty Questions


The Five Northerly Synods are hosting another useful event for those involved in children, youth and family work! Making the links between the activities we offer and the faith we want to share.  It's not about the crafts we do, but the things we share whilst doing them. Join the Zoom link on:

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