Ordination and Induction of Dr Nicola Anne Robinson

Ordination and Induction of Dr Nicola Anne Robinson

We are SO looking forward to gathering together as a synod in a couple of weeks for the Ordination and Induction of Nicola Robinson in Leeds! You’d be most welcome to join us! It’s taking place at 2pm on 3rd September at Christ Church Halton (Chapel St,...
DARE to be bold?

DARE to be bold?

On Sunday 19th June, Darwen Asylum seekers and Refugee Enterprise (DARE) crossed the border to Yorkshire to spend a day at St Andrew’s (Methodist/URC), Skipton, including morning worship, Messy Church and a picnic on the front lawn! Fittingly taking place at the...

Let’s Celebrate!

An online fringe event for everyone following General Assembly. Join us for an evening of celebration as we share what has been happening and what is coming next in the world of URC Children’s and Youth Work.
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