by megancyp | Tue 31st May 2022 | Children and Youth, Latest News
On Thursday 26th May, the children and youth workers from across the synod gathered for a day of reflecting, resting and retreating together. Ben Harper, from Space to Breathe UK joined us for the majority of our time together and led us in considering how to best...
by Mission Advocate | Thu 5th May 2022 | Good News Stories, Latest News, Mission Blogs, Uncategorized
We’re starting a new series this week about how different churches in the synod are joining in God’s mission in the world. This week we hear from Jane Simmons how Heath Church in Halifax have employed a Parish Nurse – and if you don’t know what...
by Dan Morrell | Tue 22nd Mar 2022
URC Yorkshire Synod is delighted to be supporting a new venture in Yorkshire on wellbeing and faith through the MENTAL HEALTH AND CHRISTIANITY CONFERENCE. The conference brings together organisations and church bodies to maintain and nurture the obvious link between...