Appreciative Conversations

Somerset House St Paul's Street, Morley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

We all know it’s good to talk but it’s even better when we feel listened to and heard. This free one-day workshop is about how, in all our conversations - in church, at work or with family, friends or neighbours - we can ensure all parties know they’ve been heard. Come and join us if you want to make your conversations more effective and enjoyable  or you just want to be re-energised and resourced! Saturday 16th  July 2022 - 10am - 4pm at Yorkshire Synod Office Led by Emmanuelle Bastide-Wilson & Jenny Poulter Refreshments & lunch will be provided and travel expenses can be claimed Cover image by Siggy Parratt-Halbert


Ministry Enquirers’ Event

What is God asking of YOU? Saturday 1st October 2022 10am-1pm at URC Church House Register your interest with See flier for more details

Leeds Mission & Care Group Jubilee Celebrations

Stainbeck URC Stainbeck Road, Leeds

Come and join the celebration with the Leeds Mission and Care Group The Leeds Partnership of United Reformed Churches are organising an evening of worship, fellowship and cake to celebrate 50 years of the United Reformed Church. Wednesday 5 October 2022, 7:00 for 7:30pm start at Stainbeck URC, in person and on Zoom: All are welcome

Talking Climate Justice Tour: Leeds

Holy Trinity Church Boar Lane Leeds LS1 6HW

Talking Climate Justice Tour: Leeds Thu, 17 Nov 2022, 19:30 Holy Trinity Church Boar Lane Leeds LS1 6HW Join us and be part of powerful change making climate conversations This decade is critical for action on the climate crisis that exacerbates poverty. Be moved into action as you were over apartheid and unpayable debt! See the Gaia installation there, to reflect on the beauty and fragility of creation and grapple with the challenges of poverty and the climate crisis. Join Patrick Watt CEO of Christian Aid in conversation By Christian Aid Campaigns download flier

‘The Longest Night’ reflective service


The Leeds URC Partnership are organising an online service entitled the ‘Longest Night’  which is a gentle, reflective service for anyone who finds this time of year difficult, who misses someone, or who wants to spend some time remembering. Wednesday 21st December, 7:30pm On Zoom, the link is: For more information, email Nicola:

Making Sense of the Minor Prophets – Zoom session


“Making Sense of the Minor Prophets: An overview and a deep dive into preaching on Jonah” Dr Alison Gray, Old Testament lecturer from Westminster college, is leading a Zoom session on Saturday 11th February 2023 10 am -12 midday. This is a date for the diary for anyone interested in joining this session including ministers, lay preachers, worship leaders or just interested in this topic - for more information please contact Kath Lonsdale

Ministry Enquirers’ Event


To register, email to receive Zoom link. Download flyer here

Keld Study Day – Cross Purposes

Keld Resource Centre Keld,, Richmond,, United Kingdom

Our next study day will be held on Wednesday April 5th - the Wednesday of Holy Week. It will be led by Revd Frances Biseker, our minister in residence that week, and her husband John. Theme : Cross Purposes - Understanding the cross, death and resurrection of Jesus in today’s world. The programme for the day will be as follows: 10.30 : Arrivals and Coffee 11.00 : Session One 12.30 : Lunch 13.30 : Session Two 15.00 : Refreshments and Departure There will be discussion, sharing, space to ponder ……. All participants are invited to bring a packed lunch. Drinks will be provided. The cost for the day will be £10 per person. To book your place, please contact Revd David Wood Email address : There will be three further study days in the summer. Watch this space!

Funerals Training for Elders

Ravensthorpe with Hopton URC North Road, Wakefield

Increasingly Elders are being asked to conduct funerals and requests have been made to repeat the session that ran a little while ago to help in that task. The session will be led by Rev Jason McCullagh and Mrs Val Morrison and will be informal, sharing experiences together with some input from their own experiences. Details are included on the attached flier, including booking information - here    

Presidency at the Sacrament of Holy Communion

Longcauseway Church, Dewsbury Princess of Wales Precinct, Dewsbury

Rev Jamie Kissack, Yorkshire Synod Moderator, will be leading a session to reflect together on our practices of presiding at Holy Communion.   All are welcome who preside at Holy Communion (lay and ordained) Arrivals and tea/coffee from 10am – the session will begin at 10.30am Please bring a packed lunch and again drinks will be provided If you would like to attend, please book your place by contacting the Synod Office asap at or 0113 289 8490 download flier

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