Property Committee


Meeting of the synod property committee. For agenda/documents please login in the members area.


Writing for the Web

Writing for the web - a session led by Lawrence Moore, is suitable for anyone who ever produces content for a church website, newsletter (online or print!) or social media. This exciting, interactive workshop will cover: Reading styles: web vs. print; Building your audience profile; Fog index & readability; "Chunking" content; The inverted pyramid of journalism; Bells & whistles. The sessions will take place on Zoom, a link for which will be sent out nearer the time. There are two iterations of the same session, taking place on 15th July 7-9pm and 17th July 10am-12pm. You can sign-up here:

Exploring the Lectionary for Worship


This will be a time for participants to look together at the lectionary readings for 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th August in preparation for leading worship on those Sundays. For more information contact The same session will take place 10:30am-12pm and 7:30-9pm. You're welcome to attend both as different people may attend, but will cover the same reading  

Financial Resources Committee

Details will be sent to members of the committee. If you are interested in becoming involved with the committee please get in touch with the Synod office.

Exploring the Lectionary for Worship


This will be a time for participants to look together at the lectionary readings for 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th August in preparation for leading worship on those Sundays. For more information contact The same session will take place 10:30am-12pm and 7:30-9pm. You're welcome to attend both as different people may attend, but will cover the same reading

Behind the lens


We've, possibly, got an in-person service nailed. We've spent the last 15 months trying to get online to work. Now we're having to look at how hybrid might work! Looking at some livestreaming/Zoom technology, cameras, tools to use on Zoom, and more! To sign-up:

In front of the lens


We've, possibly, got an in-person service nailed. We've spent the last 15 months trying to get online to work. Now we're having to look at how hybrid might work! Come along to this exciting, interactive workshop looking at some top tips, how to plan + deliver an online or hybrid service. To sign up:

Property Committee


Meeting of the synod property committee. For agenda/documents please login in the members area.

Safeguarding Committee Meeting

Somerset House St Paul's Street, Morley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This meeting will be at the Synod Office and also with an online option. For agenda/documents please login into the members area.

Financial Resources Committee

Somerset House St Paul's Street, Morley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Details will be sent to members of the committee. If you are interested in becoming involved with the committee please get in touch with the Synod office.

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