Keld Study Day – Cross Purposes

Keld Resource Centre Keld,, Richmond,, United Kingdom

Our next study day will be held on Wednesday April 5th - the Wednesday of Holy Week. It will be led by Revd Frances Biseker, our minister in residence that week, and her husband John. Theme : Cross Purposes - Understanding the cross, death and resurrection of Jesus in today’s world. The programme for the day will be as follows: 10.30 : Arrivals and Coffee 11.00 : Session One 12.30 : Lunch 13.30 : Session Two 15.00 : Refreshments and Departure There will be discussion, sharing, space to ponder ……. All participants are invited to bring a packed lunch. Drinks will be provided. The cost for the day will be £10 per person. To book your place, please contact Revd David Wood Email address : There will be three further study days in the summer. Watch this space!

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