Youth Residential for Young People

Peak Venture Huddersfield Road, Sheffield, United Kingdom

This event is the synod's annual youth residential for young people aged 11 - 16 years and this year we will be gathering at Peak Venture (a Kingswood centre in Sheffield) from Friday 30 September - Sunday 2nd October. At Peak Venture we will be pushing our limits and having a go at some exciting outdoor activities, filling our bellies full of delicious food (and tuck) and we will even be doing some evening activities. Alongside this there will be opportunities to get to know young people from across the synod, build friendships, pray and share together. For more information please contact Megan Tillbrook 07522 220213 / To book complete the following form:    


Young Adults Sabbath Gathering


This is an opportunity to gather with other young adults to read the Bible and pray together. Rev. Jason McCullagh will lead our thoughts and reflections and we will share lunch together also. We are currently searching for an appropriate venue. For more information click here.  

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