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Well done and thank you David!
At their service on Sunday 2nd July, St Andrew’s Roundhay United Reformed Church gave thanks to Mr David Figures, a dedicated member who has given 60 years of service to the church. David was firstly a Deacon at Roundhay Congregational Church, and then an elder when...
Over the weekend of 7-9th of July it is Skipton Pride which celebrates and stands alongside members of the LGBTQI+ Community. Members of Trinity and St Andrew’s (soon to be one church -Trinity St Andrew’s) are getting involved in 2 ways. • Hosting a community...
A record breaking event at Bridge Church, Otley
Over the last few years, the Bridge Church (URC) in Otley has hosted a ‘Teas on the Lawn’ on the day of the town’s Carnival, and this year was no exception. On Saturday 17 June between 11am and 4pm, hundreds of cups of tea and coffee, sandwiches and cakes were served...
Ministers’ Summer School
Our URC serving Ministers and Lay Leaders are invited each year to "Summer School" and this year it was at Wydale Hall, just outside Scarborough. Summer School is a time for ministers to come together, for friendship, support, encouragement and refreshment, as well as...
News Briefing No. 110 – 22nd June 2023
Find out what's happening here in Yorkshire and beyond in this latest edition of our Synod news briefing. Word document pdf document Cover photo from Pixabay
Synod Forums – a great success!
3 out of the 4 Synod Forums have taken place, firstly at Hornsea in May, followed by Herringthorpe on 10th June and then Headingley St Columba on 17th June. The idea behind them is to give an opportunity for people to meet and share together with some bible study and...
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