Christmas Eve online Communion Service


The Moderator, Rev Jamie Kissack, will be leading an online Christmas Eve communion service at 11.30pm on Friday 24th December to welcome the Christ-child. Just bring your own bread and wine and join us. To book and request a Zoom link please click here

Messy Easter


The Children & Youth Development Workers across the Five Northerly synods have been meeting together with those who lead Messy Church locally. This has provided space for sharing and learning together. These gatherings are open to ALL Messy Churches so if you would like to join (for your first or fifth time) please do come along and invite others too. The next 'Northerly Synods Messy Church gathering' is on 28th February and will focus on Easter. We will be opening the session with the opportunity for you to share, if you wish, something that went really well (or really bad!) for you at your Advent / Christmas Messy Church. However, there is no obligation on you to share anything and, if you do, please keep it succinct - time is really tight. Zoom link below. Contact Megan Tillbrook at for the password.

Joined Up Conference 2022

STC Sheffield Nairn Street, Sheffield

The Joined Up conference is officially 'back' for 2022.! Last year we met but it was from behind our computer screens in our own homes so we are really looking forward to gathering the Joined Up family together again next year. Planned, organised and delivered in partnership with our friends at Diocese of Sheffield, Sheffield Methodist Circuit, Christian & Sheffield Schools, and the Methodist Church Yorkshire Plus Region of the Learning Network, the Joined Up Conference is an exciting and engaging day for anyone who ministers with children, young people and families in churches and schools. Whether you are an employed worker, willing volunteer, minister or vicar, or simply someone who is interested in finding out more there will be something on offer for you to take away and use in your own ministry! We will see the return of our keynotes, workshops and famous short stories. The workshops this year include input from Jon Steel (Children and Youth Development Practitioner for the Yorkshire Synod) on how we can use the Bible as a transformational tool in our ministry, and Lorraine Webb (URC Children's & Youth Work Program Officer) on understanding the senses for those with additional needs. We are […]

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