Fantastic Internship Opportunity

Fantastic Internship Opportunity

Are you passionate about communicating with young people and young adults? URC Youth is an organisation for all young people aged 11- 25 with a connection to the United Reformed Church. URC Youth elect a Youth Executive each year to run an annual Youth Assembly, to be...
Communications Workshop Coming Up!

Communications Workshop Coming Up!

Yorkshire Synod is pleased to be putting on another communications workshop, leading on from the success of the ones around the festive period. Entitled ‘Putting It All Together’. This session will pick up on, particularly, social media, and how we can use...
Communications Workshops Launch a Success!

Communications Workshops Launch a Success!

A new set of communications workshops run by our IT Task Force: Dan Morrell and Lawrence Heath-Moore have got off to a positive start. The workshops, aimed at helping churches and individuals improve their communications and adapt them for the digital age, began with...
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