Preparing for Synod – a Second Question

Preparing for Synod – a Second Question

In our discussion about the future of the Yorkshire Synod and having asked ‘Who are we?’, the next question we asked ourselves in the Synod Council was, ‘What are we here for?’  There are many different possible answers of course!  I hope we are clear that we are NOT...
Preparing for Synod – a Second Question

Preparing for Synod – A First Question

In our Synod Council discussion about the future we asked ourselves ‘Who are we as the Yorkshire Synod?’.  You might like to ask the same question of your local church: What identifies you in your local community? What makes you stand out, and what do you have in...
Preparing for Synod – a Second Question

Preparing for Synod – a Time of Waiting

As we prepare for our ‘Jubilee’ year as the Yorkshire Synod of the United Reformed Church, we know that we need to reflect on how God might be calling us to do things differently.  But it is still far from clear what this might mean in real terms.  It is part of our...
Preparing for Synod – a Second Question

Preparing for Synod – An Opportunity

2022 is the United Reformed Church’s 50th anniversary.  How will we celebrate it?  For me, the there are three key questions: God has brought us on the journey thus far. For what do we want to give thanks in the life of the URC? In a spirit of honest reflection, what...
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